Learn how to use marketing campaigns to increase new patients at your orthodontic practice.

Marketing Campaign Ideas for Your Orthodontic Practice

Upon wrapping up a successful orthodontic marketing campaign, it can be tricky to keep the momentum going. But to keep growing and attracting new patients, it’s vital to continue coming up with new orthodontic marketing campaign ideas. If you find it hard to get your creative juices flowing, here are some ideas to spark your imagination.

Campaign for Adult Orthodontic Treatment in the Fall

Summer is a common time for kids to start orthodontic treatment since they can get used to their braces by the time school starts in the fall. This also happens to be the time most orthodontic offices get the highest influx of new patients. As the summer comes to a close, however, many orthodontic offices find themselves struggling to get new patients started with treatment. A great strategy is to focus on getting more adults started with braces or Invisalign. 

Start planning your fall campaign well before the summer is over. Prepare marketing materials for social media, email, and billboards all aimed at gaining new adult patients. Highlight the fact that the kids are back in school, so parents have more kid-free time to focus on themselves, and that your schedule is also more open and your office is less crowded. Remind adults how they can benefit from having a straighter smile and that it’s important to take care of themselves too.

Campaign for National Children’s Dental Health Month in February

The month of February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which provides you with a great opportunity to focus your social media channels, newsletters, and content marketing on early orthodontics. Consider going to elementary schools to provide brochures on the importance of getting your kids checked for early orthodontic issues and hand out pencils or toothbrushes with your name and contact information on them. You may even find an opportunity to present as a guest speaker to parents. February is also a great month to run promotions on early orthodontic treatments, such as discounts or incentives, to get people to make appointments for their younger children. 

Invisalign and Invisalign Express for Brides

Due to the fact that a lot of people had their wedding plans postponed due to the pandemic, brides and grooms now have more time to think about improving their smile. In your social media posts, emails, and paid advertisements, stress the fact that Invisalign comes in options that offer quick results, such as Invisalign Express and Invisalign Lite. Also, emphasize that even if treatment isn’t completed by the time they get married, they will be able to confidently show off their smile in all of their photos since the treatment is removable. 

When launching a new campaign, don’t forget to come up with a plan for each marketing channel, make use of segmented lists for emails, and let your analytics guide your decision-making. With all these elements in place, and the right orthodontic marketing team to help, you’ll keep the momentum of your growth going strong.