
Creating an Effective Logo for Your Practice

One marketing element every small business, including orthodontic practices, needs to have is a good logo. With one small image, a logo can evoke memories, feelings, and powerful associations when done right. Whether your orthodontic practice is new or has been established for some time, it’s worth thinking about creating a logo for your practice. Here are some important things to keep in mind when creating an effective logo for your orthodontic practice. 

Make Your Logo Memorable

Take some time to consider your practice name, your region, and the values you consider unique to your practice. All of these elements can be inspiration for a unique logo that grabs people’s attention and makes them think. Far too often, orthodontic offices settle for logos that are generic or hard to distinguish from other small businesses. Whatever logo you choose, it should reflect what makes you and your practice special.  

Keep It Simple

That being said, you also don’t want to squeeze too much symbolism into one logo. Keep it clean and simple. Not only are simple logos pleasant to look at, but they also tend to be easier to create and replicate for various mediums. Your logo will go on your business cards, billboards, signs, emails, and more, so it needs to look good scaled both up and down. 

Don’t Go Too Trendy

While it may seem tempting to create a logo that goes along with trending designs, you could end up needing to create a new logo in a couple years when it already looks dated. Instead, choose a logo that will stand the test of time and you can picture still looking fresh for several years. If you stick to keeping things simple for your logo, this shouldn’t be too hard to achieve. Along the same lines, you also want to make sure your logo isn’t already dated when you make it.

Keep Your Logo Gender Neutral

Depending on who owns the office, your logo could end up seeming like it’s trying to appeal mainly to one gender. When coming up with ideas, you should show your logo concepts to staff members, friends, and family of different genders to see if it appeals to everyone equally.

Consider Going Pro

An effective logo that captures people’s attention, evokes your values as a business, and stays relevant for a long time will go a long way for your orthodontic practice. Because of the long-term benefits you’ll gain from having a good logo, it’s a part of your marketing that’s worth investing in significantly. If you choose a good graphic designer to work with to create your logo, you can get a final product portrays the image you want for your practice and looks professional.  A graphic designer can also help with conception and give you insight into a logo that will work well in your specific market. 

Once you have your professional, attention-grabbing logo for your orthodontic practice, you can enjoy having well-rounded branding for all of your digital and print marketing needs. 

Ortho Sales Engine specializes in marketing solutions for orthodontists, combines more than 20 in-house services to create customized, repeatable marketing systems, and serves as a trusted partner to doctors and their teams. To learn more or schedule a free consultation, visit