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E2.09 | 4D Technology in Orthodontics

Dr. Sherif Kandil, Co-Founder, CEO, and head of R&D at K-Line Europe talks about 4D technology in the field of orthodontics and how it can dramatically reduce the amount of plastic use for clear aligners.

Featured Guest

Dr. Sherif Kandil | Co-Founder, CEO, and head of R&D, K-Line Europe



In simple terms, 4D is 3D plus an added time dimension. Therefore, 4D printing is the technology in which manufacturers can produce materials with self-folding interactions that change over time. In this episode, we take a look at 4D printing for the field of orthodontics and how this technology can dramatically reduce the amount of plastic we’re using for our clear aligners.

Key Takeaways

  • Sustainability practices in orthodontics
  • 4D advancements in orthodontics
  • The benefits of ClearX Aligners


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