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E3.07 | The Future of Virtual Consultation

Greg Pellegrom, Co-Founder and CEO of SmileSnap, returns to discuss how virtual consultation has changed since the boom of 2020 and how virtual can still serve as an important component of a successful patient acquisition process.

Featured Guest

Greg Pellegrom | Co-Founder and CEO of SmileSnap



Patients are now more comfortable with telehealth appointments thanks to the pandemic-driven surge in virtual care, but many doctors are now trying to decide if the investment in virtual for their ortho office is still worth it. We're taking a look an what has changed with virtual in the last few years and talking through what's next for ortho telehealth with one of the leaders in the space.

Key Takeaways

  • How to shatter case acceptance rates
  • Elevate patient engagement
  • Expectations of the Millennial market


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