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E1.20 | Discussing Team-Building Success with Dr. Laura Milnor

Dr. Milnor shares her secrets for creating and maintaining a positive team and office culture, which has largely contributed to her success, and answered questions from other participating doctors.

Featured Guest

Dr. Laura Milnor | Milnor Orthodontics



Many people balk at the corniness of team-building in the workplace. But as a business owner, it’s wise to push through the initial discomfort of implementing team-building strategies at your office. When done right, you’ll discover just how worthwhile it is to invest in creating a cohesive unit out of individual contributors. 

If you’re still cringing at the idea of going on company picnics or scheduling team meetings about synergy, you’re in luck. Dr. Laura Milnor attributes much of her success to the positive office culture she’s cultivated by focusing on making organic connections, acknowledging employee success, and arranging fun, shared experiences for her team. 

Key Takeaways

  • Discover how new and innovative communication tactics can help improve workflow
  • Understand how praising employees in front of patients can promote work ethic and heighten the patient experience
  • Learn how having preset objectives for staff meetings can boost productivity and efficiency


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