
Welcome Potential Patients to Your Practice with a Staff Page on Your Website

Out of all the elements that go into an orthodontic website, a staff page likely isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, including a good staff page can be a great way to draw more web traffic to your orthodontic website while making potential patients feel less apprehensive about scheduling an appointment.

Make Your Orthodontic Practice Feel More Human

As with any small business, people feel more at ease spending their money when they feel like they can connect on a human level. This is especially true when it comes to any sort of medical practice, since trust is even more important than in typical businesses. In addition to this factor, orthodontic practices have to deal with all of the same fears people have about going to the dentist, but without the advantage of it being seen as a necessity. People are understandably going to ask, “Who are these people who will be working on my teeth?” or “Do these people have my best interest in mind?” By introducing your staff, you help break down the walls potential patients put up before they book an appointment.

Make the Initial Exam More Comfortable

Beyond just making potential patients feel more comfortable with booking their initial exam, having a good staff page will help the initial exam be less stressful for them, making them feel better about actually starting treatment. When they arrive at the office and see faces they recognize from your staff page, they will be able to get over some of the nerves of their first visit right from the start.

Improve Your SEO

Every new section of copy on your orthodontic website offers a good opportunity to boost your SEO. Your staff pages, in particular, are a great place for keywords that target your local market. Including where your staff members are from, where they went to school, and their involvement in the community will give you plenty of opportunities to mention your target locations. This will help your local SEO without getting docked by Google for keyword stuffing since the content is valuable to the reader and appears organically.

Gain More Content for Social Media

Creating good content on your staff page not only offers SEO value for your main website, it also gives you strong content to post on social media. The nature of social media for orthodontic practices lends itself to more personal content. By sharing staff bios on your social media platforms, you are putting content out there for people to engage in. It’s also the kind of content that makes more sense for social media since potential patients get to see the human side of your practice.

Take the time to interview each staff member at your practice and compile the information into bios next to their photos for better SEO value, great shareable content, and to personally introduce potential patients to your practice.

Ortho Sales Engine specializes in marketing solutions for orthodontists, combines more than 20 in-house services to create customized, repeatable marketing systems, and serves as a trusted partner to doctors and their teams. To learn more or schedule a free consultation, visit