
Show Patients Their Potential with SmileView from Invisalign

A lot of people are unhappy with their smile, but they aren’t sure if the hassle of going through orthodontic treatment will be worth the end result. Others just can’t picture themselves looking any differently than they do now. To combat both of these potential roadblocks on someone’s path from prospect to patient, Align Technology, makers of Invisalign®, has created SmileView™.

What Is SmileView?

SmileViewSmileView combines people’s love of selfies with their desire for immediate results. Instead of making an appointment with an orthodontist, sitting through an exam, and having a doctor describe how straight their smile will be, SmileView provides a simulated photo of what their smile will look like within minutes of them submitting a selfie. This simulation is based on Invisalign’s database of over six million patient results and the submitter’s current dentition.

The Benefits of Using SmileView in Your Practice

While this may seem like a marketing gimmick, which it is, promoting SmileView can be beneficial to your practice. Invisalign provides a link that sends the name and email of selfie-takers to your office if they like what they saw and want to learn more. And if you are the first – or the only – orthodontist to promote this service, it can differentiate you from your competitors.

How to Promote SmileView

If they haven’t already, your Invisalign representative can provide a link that is specific to your office. Align Technologies is promoting SmileView to orthodontists, and it is on their website, but it is up to you to share your link with leads and prospects. 

Social media is a great way to get the word out about SmileView. If you have a strong following on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you can create a post to promote the link and encourage your followers to share it with others. This organic method doesn’t cost you anything and can create a buzz among your followers. Facebook ads will share the link with people in your target market who don’t currently follow your page. Not only does this introduce you to new prospects, it allows you to invite them to follow your page if they react to the post or have a conversation if they comment on it.

You can also send an email to your prospects about SmileView. Even though you already have their contact information, if they fill out the form requesting more information, you know they are interested in Invisalign and can send them more targeted emails instead of bothering them with emails about other topics. And seeing their theoretical new and improved smile may encourage them to finally come in for a consultation or start treatment.

When it comes to inbound marketing, it pays to take advantage of every opportunity to provide information to your patients and leads. SmileView allows you to connect with people in a fun way that may encourage them to seek treatment, with little or no cost to you.